Next Time You Burn Your Mouth On Pizza…
SOMETIMES YOU JUST CAN’T RESIST! It’s SO cheesy and saucy—right out of the oven! You dive in and take your first bite…Uh oh! Too soon! You’ve got “pizza burn!”Pizza Isn’t The Only Culprit You’ve probably burned your mouth before on coffee, soup, and other scorching hot foods. Soon afterward, you may have noticed that the roof of your mouth, and perhaps your tongue, is very tender. In some cases, you may even have blisters! Unfortunately, your mouth will probably hurt for a few days. However, there are a few things you can do to relieve the pain and irritation. How To Soothe Your Mouth And Help It Heal 1. Applying or sucking on ice can relieve the stinging. Gargling cold water or eating ice cream are other options. If It’s Not Feeling Better In A Few Days, Call Us Pizza-type burns tend to heal within three to seven days. If soreness and blistering continue beyond a week, please call us! In the meantime, have fun enjoying that delicious, cheesy pizza—that is, once it’s cool! Thanks for being our valued patients and friends! |